hoi4 convoy escort fleet. Convoy Escort Task Force Composition. hoi4 convoy escort fleet

 Convoy Escort Task Force Compositionhoi4 convoy escort fleet  I advise to put all your subs into one fleet, put the two big fleets of around 30 to 40 ships into a fleet on strike force and the rest of destroyers and light cruisers into a fleet for convoy escort/patrol

r/hoi4. Mining can also help. e. If you DO catch this early then it will be a great idea to get destroyer 3's and your convoy escort doctrine tech, and do carriers after you have gaurenteed passage over central med. It just so that if you set your main battle fleet to convoy interdiction your main battle fleet will trigger the enemy convoy escort and just sink them immedeatly since those are weak in comparison. All this done with only 2 BBs. 12. This will ensure the whole big escort TF join the sub fight, as long as you have 100% efficiency. Patrol/Convoy Escort mission: CL and 2 DD fleet. Hoi4 Naval Meta Doctrine. Yea it says the current fleet can escort up to 101 convoys, but that should give me a 25% efficiency with 400 convoys, not 9%. My surface fleet made up of battleships, heavy cruisers and light cruiser screens patrols the coast of Germany and the Baltic to prevent naval invasions early war. For example. (Middle, Middle, Left) There is also no point because convoy raiding around the Cape of Africa is really strong. And they were seemingly built in very large numbers. When you enter Naval Doctrine in Hoi4, 3 different options appear. It's all fantasy land with subs ruling the waves. •. A 100 plane 1944 carrier will have 10 CAS, 30 naval bombers and 60 fighters. Invasion support: 2-4 BB, 2-4 CL, 4-8 DE set to med risk I'll throw in an old CV or CVE w a Ftr/CAS mix and pray they figure out what to do. What you really need to do is set your escort to do not engage and move them to the sea tile your convoys are in and then restart fire at will and then they will really protect your convoys otherwise they are just fighting somewhere else even if they appear. With your air wings you need them on naval strike and the assigned regions where the naval invasion will travel through. More task fleets on raiding means more actual raiding battles on the map. However, convoy escorts will still be able to fight against submarines once combat is initiated, even if subs are not normally detectable by enemy taskforces on the map. Area Army = Dai 1 Hômengun. Sep 12, 2009 1. Less important for a mainland victory, but nice for island hopping. For convoy escort, in a sub 2 game you'll be fine with the same shitty destroyers so long as Canada puts tactical bombers up over everywhere the enemy is attacking you - even destroyer 1 and tac 1 will massively outtrade Axis subs. Dismissing 20 notifications in a month saying you’ve destroyed between 1-12 convoys is based. Convoy raiding and convoy escorting I'll have 10 task forces in each. I mean when i play america i use task forces like the US did historically but its whatever i feel like so i would make the Main Heavy Force with all my BBs and CAs then i would create seperate Task Forces led by a Fleet carrier and Escort Carrier followed by a bunch of CLs DDs and a few SS. If the enemy comes with convoy escort to defend the seazone, he slowly looses ships after ships to the mines. My convoy escort efficiency is abysmal, literally 2-3% in most cases and it's crippling my ability to transport resources in and supplies out. Typically, raiding fleets won't be set to engage escorts, meaning subs will avoid attacking convoys if your ships are around. all in all one task force for me is about 25-30 ships and i have like 10 Task Forces for 1. 60 attack will one shot convoys if they land a hit. Use anti sub forces for this Convoy attack. You will see the new fleet listed in the box at the top right. Two slots of torpedo twos on a sub is enough to instantly sink a convoy in the first volley if you are lucky. The main guns provide better effect against other escort ships. Note I didn't really mention killing subs. And if you base your strike fleet too close the port strikes will be devestating. Fleet DD are the biggest exception here, and they want to specifically be cheap. I generally don’t use convoy escort, so I can’t speak to that. r/hoi4. When you enter Naval Doctrine in Hoi4, 3 different options appear. I use 4 BC, 8 CL, and 16 DD for my model strike task force if I'm building from scratch. Build radars along the coast. As sterrius mentioned. Then once you maintain high efficiency comfortably (convoy use should sky rocket when USA enters war, so wait until then for sure, also to gauge USA escort effectiveness and contribution), then upgrade escorts in a rolling method (say 1 TF at a time, if you have 10 TFs) to max radar/sonar/DCs and create HK groups - HK Patrols. Conclusion. The fact that the allies could escort their convoys under undisputed air cover and with strong escort presence in every major convoy by the end of 1942 made it almost impossible for the Germans to conduct effective submarine warfare. For trade intrediction convoy riding and low risk engage + your choice of repair. Subs cap out around 40 health, so that is all you really need in attack per ship, pretty sure. Otherwise you are only concerned with convoy escort efficiency. For naval, complete Fleet in being, Convoy Sailing and Escort and Battlefleet Concentration. Convoy raiding: Submarines. Even then, most of the time lost is spent closing the distance with the convoy, which is something even big sub fleets have to do. As a naval major (UK, USA, Japan), in SP, you can blend both metas effectively, leaving you with a power surface fleet, good patrols, great convoy raiding, and great anti sub. This is the basic concept of a "Fleet in Being" where you can control multiple. Reply. Overall against the AI its viable, but adding some CLs will help a lot. Torps on CA and BC is a waste of a slot. 1. 1. 2. Target cost 5200-5300. nice 3 year necro, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Naval doctrine Naval technology Naval support technology Naval warfare is conducted by ships which operate in the world's interconnected seas and oceans. Originally posted by Ryan: Ships assigned to Naval Invade will sit in their ports until the amphibious invasion is launched. It also provides excellent AA cover for itself and other ships in the fleet. Historically, both the US and the UK used small carriers for patrol and convoy escort, but the game doesn't model this. I watch as my ships sail right up next to theirs (Granted on the Naval Combat screen my convoys are on the top with their DD's next to them and my ships show up down below,. Open settings menu. For example, a depth charge rack and sonar lets them hunt subs and a seaplane adds detection for both subs and surface vessels. Then wait for naval supremacy in those regions and for the planning stage to be. Defensive (using the navy primarily for convoy raids and escorts. My patrol flotillas have 10 DD and 1 scouting cruiser, I build a handful of escort flotillas for convoy escort/sub hunting, and each battle fleet is usually 4 CV, 5 BB, 6 CA, 2 scouting cruisers, 12 CL, and 50 DD. You might do well to add a single Carrier with nothing but Fighters to escort the fleet - if you do, outdated carriers should work fine. Convoy escort: Pretty self explanatory. Conclusion. The rest is educated guessing; HOI4 is decent as a simulation game. This scales [hoi4. Playing as Major; Escorts, cover the coastal regions. By 1943 I had 1 fleet of ~5BC and 12 Light Cruisers raiding by France and the Western Coast of Britain and 3 sub groups 1 Atlantic, 1 by gibralter, and 1 in southwest africa killing off ~12-16+ convoys a week. Conclusion: CVs are underpowered in this 1. This is by design. Want to build up a carrier task force or two and rely on a small elite fleet or two, darting around the world and lending a hand where needed?. Naval doctrine allows a nation to specialize the way its navy conducts naval warfare. AA cruisers and destroyers are absolutely the meta. Set all fleets to split off enabled for repair and repair priority low. I advise to put all your subs into one fleet, put the two big fleets of around 30 to 40 ships into a fleet on strike force and the rest of destroyers and light cruisers into a fleet for convoy escort/patrol. The big ships in Strike Forces remain in port until a fleet it detected, then they charge out to engage it. Naval superiority status is EXCLUSIVELY a numbers game, so have cheap destroyers on convoy escort . Generally in MTG you wipe out the bulk of a nations fleet using a decent deathball strike force, then once its dead it is purely subs left raiding for them, so after the main fleet is dead or severely crippled, split off a number of your destroyers into convoy escort stacks, much like how you split off your destroyers to patrol (or you could. I have not tested myself, and that’s 2-3 xpacs old, but 8-12 still seems to work well for raiding. For the task forces I put all my subs on convoy raiding, all my small ships on patrol, and all my capital ships on strike force. On the basis that 36 DE's are giving 3% cover, I'd need crazy numbers to achieve 100%, circa 1,200 or so. Typically performed by Destroyers. k. The convoy fleet should be something like 20 DDs to shoo away subs. Its primarily the enemy Nav Bombers that is causing the problems though, not an enemy fleet. To repair, it will still go all the way back to Puerto Rico. Naval power is key to protection of convoy traffic, or disruption of enemy convoys. Why the escort carriers are not available in hoi4?. Last edited by Admod, the Equivocal; May 14, 2018 @. CE: Escort Carriers can be made using the 1936 hull with basic engine, a single hangar, and possibly 1 AA module. Dismissing 20 notifications in a month saying you’ve destroyed between 1-12 convoys is based. Patrol + air superiority + radar will make it really hard for enemy ships to continue to go undetected. Rush 1940 sub and snorkel. 40-50 DD. IIRC, full protection requires 6 screening vessels per capital ship. (Like what Bismarck was going to be) Your battleship if fighting a naval power will likely perish by ship swarm within the first deployment you are better off just using subs for convoy raiding use your battleships for coastal battle support and convoy escort like for naval invasions. Thanks, it really needs to be fixed. kenzieBHOSbaker. or convoy raiding) but light cruisers can easily become light carriers for convoy escort duties, and potentially a little armour to help shrug off potential incoming fire. A task force assigned to the convoy escort mission will protect convoys belonging to the player or their allies if they are attacked. In large sea zones, or in cases a fleet is responsible for multiple zones, it can take days for ships to fully reinforce. A new decision is only made if the enemy adds additional task forces to the battle. Subs take longer to retreat, even while hidden and depth charges got their hit profile buffed (though their hit chance multiplier was nerfed, overall a buff to depth charges against faster subs). Your escort was in different sea tiles from your convoys and the the battles were merged into one interface. Later on if you get into a war you should split off at least one strike force and smaller convoy escort and patrol task forces. Spotter planes on Cruisers only help in the detection phase. Jays298 Lt. e. Lay Mines: Great for sinking unwary enemy ships and also slows them down. General. HOI4 Tools SGr - Save Game Recorder. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. variants) that can be produced by dockyards. Make enough of them to have 100% escort efficiency (I'd say more than 50 for naval majors). I anchored my fleet to wait outside the landing location to benefit from coastal bombardment but it refused to engage the Japanese fleet that was attacking my transports. Break your subs up into small groups (3-6) the key to convoy raiding is that their escorts aren't everywhere. The USN Sub. NAV do better damage by a lot, and are cheaper, so extremely efficient per IC. Escort Carrier - 1 flight deck, AA, Radar is you want, carrier 1 engine. ASW/Convoy Escort task forces are 5 ASW-specific DDs and for the UK, I usually use my DD1s as ASW/Convoy Escort and leave my better DD2s for the surface combat. Kaijo Goei Sotai is for Convoy Escorts(the Japanese were not to keen on defending their covoys until later in the war) Kirai Fusetsu-ka is for Minelayers Taiheiyo Kantai is for Convoy Raiding Bonus, the shipsclasses I build for this: Ship designer: Kure Naval Arsenal 1936 SS: Kaidai VI Class 1936 DD: Kagero Class(Torpedo Destroyer)Submarines make very very poor convey escorts since they are slowing your fleet down considerably and can not respond to the SOS call of your convoy fleet in time. Polysci123 • 9 mo. Area Army = Dai 2 Hômengun. Also split your SSs into small or big ship raiding task forces. Naval bombers are also great to deal damage to enemy subs and escort fleets. 9. Plus, it exposes your capital ships to. Guide to naval refits in HOI4 EU4 with my Dad! (Ottomans) ROB'S GUIDE TO HOI 3 (video tutorial). , sea zones that touch each other. The convoy escort gives +30% escort efficiency, which is pretty good because it lowers the number of escort ships required, and +20% sub detection for DDs. Put depth charges in all the top slots. Build 20-50 destroyers with sonar and two depth charges and divide them to 8 groups and put them to convoy escorting in the insecure seas, naval bombers are also useful. Since the AI has a tendency to convoy raid in shallow waters, detecting subs wasn't much of a problem for me. This fleet is for the main battle fleet to content with the American main fleet, you can add radar or sonar though. Convoy raiders should be small groups. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Research snorkels and any tech that reduces torpedo reveal chance. If your navy is just going to be escorting convoys, and convoy raiding then you don't need a surface fleet. Capital Ships can use up to 5 yards of production at a time, Screens and Subs use up to 10 yards, and transports can have a capacity of 15 yards working. However, taking a fleet from Puerto Rico and using the "Right Click to move to that Naval Base" command does not set that base as the fleet's home port. This is effective because they are quite cheap. Navies in HoI4 are a classic example of the Pareto Principle. ago. There are three mutually. What's everyone's strategy for convoy escort in the Pacific theater as the US? I haven't played a whole lot of the US since. Escort fleet: this is for antisub warfare, I think around 8 dd's per taskforce usually works pretty well, if you feel like you dont have enough for the war though you can make them smaller, because with patch 1. So i've been experimenting a fair bit with naval composition throughout the months, playing around with doctrines, designs, etc. Put Observation Planes on your Escorts! Convoy Escort/Patrol Mission - fleets of 50 LC and 100 DD/DE (Destroyer Escort). At the beginning of the game, each player's navy will already be. So if I've got stuff going on Pacific, Atlantic, and Med all at the same time, it gets complicated. The escort carrier or escort aircraft carrier (U. Meaning you make a seperate fleet for convoy escorts and then also have another fleet for fighting purposes. General Army = Dai-Ni So-Gun (formed april 1945 for defense of Japan) Air General Army = Kôkû So-Gun (formed april 1945 for defense of Japan) China Expeditionary Army = Shina Hakengun Kwantung Army = kantô Gun Southern Army = Nanpô Gun. I like cruiser subs with spotting planes and radar on Germany. Suffice to say that you should have air superiority and plenty of naval bombers while doing that. Typically performed by submarines, but any ship can be used for this, even your strike fleet. Convoy escort and/or patrols. The listed decimal places is for display only. You’ll need a bunch of task forces to raise the efficiency. Your destroyers are the 'armour' of the fleet, and will take the most casualties. Developed by the esteemed minds at Paradox Interactive, this latest installment of the beloved series aims. Produce and have numerous fleet compositions to maintain your naval supremacy. At the start of the game, each country will have a. Use the fleet designer providing sub. So reactive is convoy escorts keeping subs away, but not killing many. Create a destroyer escort for convoy escort mission. Is there any math going on behind the scenes to account for the AA protection provided by the escorts in the zone, or will the bombers always get through regardless of how many Light Cruisers I stack into. The number of convoys which have to be protected by the escort ships only increase when you give them more naval routes to cover. Without this change Italy cannot escort it's convoys To trash the escorts with BB you would need a patrol fleet to start a normal battle as opposed to a convoy battle. In general, it's best to deathstack all your ships under your best admirals so you should have max 3 fleets for the types of missions you do. In HoI4, the Home Fleet still projects naval superiority even if it's too far away to arrive in time to stop an invasion, e. Choose a mission for the fleet (submarines, for example, are best used to interrupt convoys), and then right-click on up to three contiguous sea zones, i. I was playing 1936 Italy. These range from simple patrol missions to convoy escort duty. The finisher tech "Sea Lane Defence", on the other hand, affects the "Escort Convoy" mission that you can give to fleets, which is pretty much useless--don't research that tech. Since the AI has a tendency to convoy raid in shallow waters, detecting subs wasn't much of a problem for me. When making fleets set required amount of those icons to refill the fleet by default when they are ready or if the task force lost some ships that needs to be replaced. Small groups of destroyers with the smallest gun, best sonar and best depth charges on Convoy Escort.